10 Reasons Why EFT Tapping is Catching on So Quickly

It wasn't around until the mid 1990s and now it is acknowledged in UK by NICE and about to be recognised in USA by APA. It is catching on fast!

10 Reasons Why EFT Tapping is Catching on So Quickly

  1. Beat life's Challenges!
    We have so many challenges to face in our modern lives, from health challenges both physical and mental to those of the workplace and education. Information spreads at a fast pace, meaning our awareness of the effects of trauma and what constitutes trauma is spreading, as well as how unresolved trauma of all types – from major traumatic incidents to the stressors of everyday life that cause us to feel threatened at our core – affects our ability to function and to respond effectively to challenges. And people are looking for solutions for challenges. EFT Tapping provides a solution.

  2. So Accessible!
    And EFT provides an elegant and accessible solution. As a self-help solution, it provides immediate emotional first aid and soothing and, when used over a number of sessions with an experienced practitioner, it unfolds and heals past trauma. Indeed, a neutralising of the emotional charge left in the system by bothersome past specific events is at the core of all EFT work that resets the nervous system.

  3. It Works!
    From anecdotal word of mouth level to the highest level of clinical research (systematic review and meta-analysis), time after time we hear from individuals' stories of recovery and life transformations to, in research papers, high or very high effect sizes. For example, take the published meta-analysis of EFT for PTSD (Sebastian & Nelms, 2016). A measure called Cohens-D, which has a scale where 0.2 is deemed a small effect size and 0.8 is deemed a large effect size, came out at 2.96 for EFT!

    Now let’s look at two points (4&5 below) about the self-help aspects.

  4. It’s Easy!
    EFT Tapping is very easy to learn. Although it is best to learn it at one of the live interactive EFT Introductory Workshops or Level 1&2 Basic Trainings run by EFTi-registered EFT Master Trainers, or directly from your own experienced EFT Practitioner, you can get some measure of success just by tapping along with an Internet video, or by following written “how to tap” step by step instructions. You can learn the basic formula within ten to twenty minutes.

  5. Emotional First Aid at your Fingertips!
    EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. With just the basic formula, you have learned a simple, quick and easy technique that can lead you to freedom from unwanted emotions (aka feelings). So, whenever feelings/emotions either threaten to or do overwhelm you, you have a means of reducing their intensity and hence their hold on you – like a magic wand! No wonder this is catching on so quickly!

  6. EFT with a Practitioner.
    At the other end of the spectrum, there are no limits to the amount of creativity with which EFT can be applied and delivered – with an expert EFT coach or therapist, you can work through past trauma, neutralise its emotional charge, transform how it affects you in the present, transform any limiting beliefs and rewrite your future. Many practitioners, having completed their basic training (EFT Levels 1&2), delight in ongoing learning, mentoring discussions and advanced (Level 3) training or specialist courses. There are so many nuances to the EFT work, so many insights and other elements to integrate. The field is ever-evolving and every EFT session you work on yourself or with anyone else is unique.

  7. EFT is so empowering!
    You don’t have to become a practitioner to benefit from learning more about EFT and using advanced techniques – you can apply them to yourself, gain greater clarity and insight into your situation, take more control of your life. Who wouldn’t want that?

  8. Try it on anything!
    Yes, seriously, anything! Why? Because you have feelings about everything and how you feel can impact everything and everyone around you. Tap to reduce the intensity of your frustration, for example, and you will relate to people differently; they in turn will relate differently to you. Take the example of lost keys. Stop for a moment, tap down the intensity of how annoyed and frustrated you feel at not being able to find them and the panic about how it’s making you late and what all that will mean – you will calm your limbic brain (seat of the stress response), enabling more connection with your frontal cortex (your “thinking brain”), gain clarity and access to your memory of where they are. Anecdotes abound on the Internet of everyday miracles achieved with EFT, probably by this sort of mechanism, or by opening up the mind to new possibilities. You can only influence your own feelings tapping with EFT, but we are all so interconnected that your benefit will rub off to some extent on everyone and everything around you.

  9. Stress reduction – such a useful tool!
    Break stress down into its constituent feelings, tap on each feeling to reduce its intensity, get clarity on what you can do – empower yourself! EFT is possibly the best tool for soothing the nervous system and raw feelings – maybe that’s why it is catching on so quickly? The effects on stress have been shown reproducibly, ie in more than one study, where researchers have measured salivary levels of the stress hormone cortisol before and after tapping to find significant reductions in levels of this hormone, confirming scientifically the anecdotal reports from anyone when they first try tapping – that they feel instantly “calmer” or “more relaxed”.

  10. You can Enhance your Emotional Intelligence – to Emerge a Winner in the Professional Workplace
    It’s EQ rather than IQ that makes all the difference! IQ is relatively static, but EQ can be grown. If you are in a professional role, you, like your peers and competitors, likely ALL have a similarly high IQ and professional qualifications. What will define the difference between those who are good at the job and those who excel and come out on top will be EQ. And the good news is you can work on and grow your EQ with EFT. Tapping is the perfect tool for enhancing emotional intelligence. It will help with self and social awareness and self and social management. Troublesome feelings, emotional challenges and unhelpful self-beliefs can, with professional guidance from a suitably trained practitioner or after in-depth self-help training, be literally tapped away and anything made easier.

As many people are finding, there are lots of good reasons for trying EFT.

Go here to EFT Devon to find out more about ways to try EFT such as:

  • free taster group tapping session (every other Friday afternoon - UK timezone)
    click here to book
  • 2hr live interactive experience - learn to apply EFT to your everyday challenges takes place once per month
    click here to book
  • 8wk (3.5hrs per week) all the information you need to apply EFT to resolve challenges and neutralise the emotional charge on past specific events - transformational. Also leads on with further mentoring, case studies and assessment work to Certified EFT Practitioner qualification, accredited by EFT International.
    click here for more information